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Building and Planning Your Website to Make Money Online - How?

From the outset it is essential that you identify two key points concerning your websites purpose. What do you want your website to accomplish? What will your visitors require from your site? You also need to plan for your site objectives. Are you constructing it for information only? Is it a website primarily to make money online? Will it be to supply a service to customers?

There are various reasons why businesses develop websites. Some may be seeking to promote brand awareness or to improve customer support. Some websites exist solely to sell products or to help save money. What your visitors require from the site may differ, they will probably be more concerned about how quickly they can find the information they require whether that has to do with buying a particular product or service or just finding something out.. With this in mind, you must be sure you know the audience you are trying to reach. Do you know what they will want when they visit your site? How will you attract them there in the first place? And just as importantly how will you make sure they will return?

Rather than being overly concerned about the visual aspects of your site to begin with, (although you should take some advice on this) establish the type of content you will need to support the objectives of your site. How can you present it in the appropriate way? A good way to decide this is to look on the internet for examples that appeal to you.

In the early planning stages of your site it is a good idea to create a diagram showing the structure you intend to use regarding content, presentation and navigation. One technique for doing this is known as wire framing. As this suggests it is like creating a skeleton of the site using labelled boxes to illustrate the overall navigation and content each webpage will contain. Illustrator, Word or Power Point are all packages that will enable you to do this. Be sure to include a legal information or an about us page on the site. By law all UK companies must show the company registration number, place of registration, registered office address and whether the company is being wound up.